Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Creative Play Workshop for People with Fibromyalgia and Compromised Health
5 Sessions, Each Session 2.5 hours
I will be offering 5 follow up sessions Oct 31, Nov 7, Oct 14, Oct 21, and Oct 28
1:00-3:30 PM
All Art Supplies and Materials are included
$135.00 per person

Oct 31 – Weather Permitting:  Meet at Cliff Gilker Parking lot, walk at your own pace, bring a camera or ipad to photograph nature. Goal is a 30 minute photo walk in nature. Find imagery while walking that presents as an analogy to some aspect of your life. (photograph it) Return to Evi’s place to check in, discuss how you are doing with your goals, bring up any problems or obstacles preventing you from moving forward.
If the weather isn’t nice come directly to Evi’s place, 576 North Fletcher. Each person will learn how to paint on silk stretched on a silk hoop. We may need two sessions to complete this creative play-painting project. Use the imagery from any visualization as inspiration for your silk painting. We will always dedicate 30 minutes to check in and share how we are doing with our goals and intentions.

Nov 7-  If the weather is nice we will meet at Cliff Gilker Park, if not come directly to Evi’s place, 576 North Fletcher. This session will focus on exercise, stretching, dance, and directed visualization followed by a group discussion on how we each can create more self-care and establish positive habits.

Oct.14 – If the weather is nice we will meet at Bonnie Brook by the sea. We will begin with some stretching exercises in the fresh air, then do some slow walking for up to 30 minutes if possible. If you can’t walk that long, there are benches to sit down on. We will return to Evi’s house for a group discussion and check in. Is anything holding you back? Are you maintaining daily and weekly goals? How are you doing?

Oct 21- Art Play – We will create rubbings on either paper to be made into cards of sheets of white paper to be use as wrapping paper. Bring a collection of things with texture, leaves, textured plastic, flat household items, coins etc. (I will also supply items to use). We will use oil pastels, crayons or candles to imprint the objects on our sheets of paper. We will then use liquid tempera or coloured inks and cover the entire surface in colour. Glitter can be added for a festive touch. The last step is string painting using either watered down tempera or black ink. I include some examples made by kids. This is a totally fun activity but produces
brilliant results with minimal effort. Bring treats and we will have tea and admire our creations as they dry.

Oct 28- Exercise and Writing Workshop: If the weather is nice we will meet at Bonnie Brook and begin this session with stretching exercises and fresh air. If possible we will try and walk for 40 minutes then meet at Evi’s place. If it’s raining come directly to Evi’s, bring a yoga mat and we will do stretching exercises and slow aerobics to music. After exercises and visualization we will sit around the circle table and pick topics out of a hat that are relevant to our healing journey. This session is dedicated to writing “off the cuff”. You don’t need writing skills! Just write what comes to mind. There will be two topics per person. Anyone is welcome to read aloud to the group. Since this is our last session, bring some refreshments to share. We will have a relaxed time drinking tea and coming up with other ideas that continue to help us find fluidity, relaxation, creativity, humour and support. My hope is that you have acquired some skills to use in your lives that will bring inspiration, reduce anxiety, increase energy and flexibility. The experience of engaging in a variety of activities in a spirited way with others should help inspire you to continue working towards your own personal goals.

Car pooling can be arranged ahead among group attendees. I chose these dates but I am flexible if attendees prefer week days. Please email me or we can discuss this at the end of the seminar.

604 886 8097

604 886 8097

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