Friday, July 10, 2015


                         Update from Gibsons Counselling – July 10- 2015

     I am pleased that SKYPE counselling has proved more successful than I expected. It is exciting to know I can keep in touch with clients even if they are out of country but still need the continuity and support of ongoing sessions.

     I am currently ready for short term respite clients (2 days).  I am only accepting clients that are stable but need support, possibly counselling and a safe space.  This would allow the regular care giver time off and it might be possible to set up a schedule so both care giver and client benefit from a change in routine.  During my visitor’s stay I can offer counselling, occupational therapy (art and craft work), hiking, outings or we could just have quiet time in my view home. The fee schedule will depend on the needs of the client.

    In the autumn I am planning to offer a seminar on Fibromyalgia, only dealing with the psychological and emotional affects. I hope to bring together a group of approximately 7 people who can tell their stories in the privacy of my home. As a person with Fibromyalgia myself, I can offer many coping skills and genuinely understand the difficulties associated with this illness.  I attended the 30 day Chronic Pain Program at St. Paul’s Hospital many years ago and it inspired me to create something similar on the Sunshine Coast. 

     I feel it is essential for people with any kind of chronic pain to share their stories and offer each other support, suggestions, empathy and insight. The atmosphere will be cozy, private and confidentiality will be essential. The focus will be on coping strategies and learning from each other. I think we are all teachers and it is exciting how much we can learn in the most unexpected situations.

    If the group wants to continue I would plan weekly visits where we did nature walks, slow easy exercise and combine the best of all the techniques I learned at St. Paul’s and during my life. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and FM 30 years ago and in between my “down time” I’ve traveled extensively, worked, and attended school etc.

     Depression often blocks our sense of possibility when faced with a chronic illness. My focus will be on coping, empowerment, and setting goals.

      Keep a watch on this blog! I will announce the date of this seminar this autumn. The fee is $35.00 for a 4-hour seminar.